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Leavenworth County has exhibited moderate but consistent population growth. The 2016 population stands at 82,204.

Population by Age

With median age of 37.3, Leavenworth is slightly younger than the nation.

Overall, the age breakdown in Leavenworth closely matches the US breakdown.

One quarter of Leavenworth's population is under the age of 20.

The population 60 and over make up twenty percent of the total.

Median Household Income

The median household income in Leavenworth County is greater than the national median ($60,423 to $55,775). However, in inflation adjusted dollars, Leavenworth's median has declined since 2010 ($66,641).

Median Home Value

Housing is more affordable in Leavenworth County. The median home value in 2016 was $174,700 while the national median was $205,000.

In real terms (adjusted for inflation) the median Leavenworth County home has not yet reached 2010 values.

Educational Attainment

34 percent of adults (25 and older) in Leavenworth County have at least a Bachelor's degree. This is s higher percentage than the nation (31 percent).

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